What can you accomplish in 50 years?

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What can you accomplish in 50 years?

Pick a long period of time to consider.  My time for this exercise is 50 years. I’m almost 30, so in 50 years, I would be 80.  Depending on your age, your time frame might be different. Even someone who is 80 could live another 20 years.  A lot can be accomplished in 20 years!

For this example, I’ll use 50 years, but substitute your own time frame and questions.

Just think, what if I wrote every day for 50 years?  Could I publish a book? 5 books? 10 books? 50 books?  

What if I made just one trip every two years to a different country?   

What if I volunteered one day a month to a cause I care about?

What if I saved $100 a month?

Here’s some quick answers to ponder:

  • At just 500 words a day, I’d have 9,125,000 words.  The average novel is somewhere around 100,000 words.  So that adds up to 91 books.
  • I’d end up visiting 25 different countries.
  • In 50 years, I would have volunteered 600 days.
  • At a 7% interest rate, I’d end up with about a half a million dollars.

Think about long-term goals!

Take time to consider how much you could accomplish in 5 or 10 or 50 years.

Long term goals can be hard because we tend to think that we just don’t know what our lives will look like in 20 years, so how are we supposed to plan for it?

While it’s true that we don’t have total control over the future, often times we have more control than we think.  We are capable of so much over a long span of time- raising kids that in turn have their own kids, having a whole career or many careers, creating a life’s body of work, becoming the top expert in a field.  The list goes on and on.

Dream a little.  Expand your thinking.

I’ve had a practice for a long time of reviewing my goals for each year.  I felt my mind expand when I thought about this.

Do you have any really long-term goals?  Have you pondered what you could accomplish in 50 years before?

One Response

  1. Long term goals are a great “road map” strategy! The tactics of taking action each day is the vehicle. Great post, Kyla!

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