Tag: mindset

Hoppy Living


Crawl is my word for 2022. This is the first time I’ve picked a word for the year. I’ve seen it as a trend in various places. Words I have seen other people pick include things like: Dedication Progress Clarity

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It’s still 2018

In January, it’s easy to be gung-ho about goals for the year ahead.  By this time of year, I just feel like thinking about next years goals.  Frankly, I don’t want to look at where I fell short of my

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Our memories suck

And I don’t mean that we remember crappy things, just that we can be crappy at remembering things.  There is one point from the intro to psychology class I took in college that has always stood out to me.  There

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What can you accomplish in 50 years?

What can you accomplish in 50 years? Pick a long period of time to consider.  My time for this exercise is 50 years. I’m almost 30, so in 50 years, I would be 80.  Depending on your age, your time

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Hoppy Living

Limitations of the day

What are your limitations today? I pose this question because what we think of as our limitations have a big influence of what we actually do in a day and whether or not we feel guilty about not doing ‘enough’. 

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Hoppy Living

Being happy for another’s good fortune

Recently I’ve been thinking about something that brings up more questions than answers for me.  I’ve been thinking about the list of people who I would call to share good news.  It is, sadly, even shorter than the list of

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Gratitude for challenges

“I’m grateful today won’t last forever.” OK, I don’t mean that about today.  But I have written that on gratitude lists in the past. Sometimes, I try to be grateful for things I’m not really grateful for or I try

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