Why I (sorta) quit working
At the beginning of May this year I (mostly) quit my job(s). My idea was to take time off from work, although I’m still doing a minimal amount of things for a couple of different companies. I came up with
At the beginning of May this year I (mostly) quit my job(s). My idea was to take time off from work, although I’m still doing a minimal amount of things for a couple of different companies. I came up with
31 days. 4 states. 200+ miles. In July I did the 30 day ride challenge hosted by Trailforks and Anthill Films. The challenge was simple: ride each day, including at least one full trail as mapped on Trailforks. Tijeras, New
My friend J and I were talking about parenting a while back. She explained how her and her husband S always gave her stepson Little S reasons for things. If they were at the store and he wanted something and
Yesterday I woke up with a list of things I wanted to do over the weekend. One of those things was painting my old toy box for baby B. It’s a nice toybox- solid, unfinished wood. My dad gave it
I have exciting news this week! We have a contract on a house and are planning on moving in two or three weeks!! I love the house and the area that it’s in is gorgeous. And it comes with a
Recently I’ve been thinking about something that brings up more questions than answers for me. I’ve been thinking about the list of people who I would call to share good news. It is, sadly, even shorter than the list of
“I’m grateful today won’t last forever.” OK, I don’t mean that about today. But I have written that on gratitude lists in the past. Sometimes, I try to be grateful for things I’m not really grateful for or I try
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin is a great book. When I decided to start the Best Books series, The Happiness Project immediately came to mind. First off, it deals with a great topic- happiness. Pretty much all of us
Gratitude is perhaps one of the most important things for a happy life. Being grateful and being happy are very intertwined. They go together so easily. Yes, I do think it is possible to feel one without the other, but
While it would be nice to have an unlimited supply of energy, the truth is that just isn’t possible. To have energy, one must accept that there will be low energy times when rest and relaxation are required. At times,
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