Leo Buscaglia is known for his books on love. Seven Stories of Christmas Love is a quick, heart-warming read that will remind you of the real meaning of Christmas and perhaps refresh your soul a little if you’re feeling a bit of the stress of the season- shopping, cooking, commercialism, and crowds.
My mom gave me this book a few years ago for… well, for Christmas of course.
In this book, Buscaglia shares a few stories from his life- a few from his childhood, a couple from his time as an elementary school teacher, and one from when he was in the hospital after a massive heart attack. Each story is told such that it feels almost like you are there in the memory yourself. There are obvious ‘lessons’ to the stories about love, but mostly the stories convey the lessons: they’re not over-done. There are many humorous moments in the stories and each is enjoyable to read.
Bottom line: this book is well-written, quick and enjoyable to read, and reminds one of the meaning of Christmas and life in general.
View Seven Stories of Christmas Love on Amazon. This is the only Buscaglia book that I’ve read, but I’ve heard good things about Love: What Life is All About and in fact just got it in the mail from Amazon this morning. So, if it turns out to be a great book, I’ll report back on it later.
(I participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. I only link to the few products that I would recommend anyway.)