Comments on: My February Whole30 Win Life & travels (with a bunny) Wed, 27 Feb 2019 23:27:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sarah Wed, 27 Feb 2019 23:27:14 +0000 Congratulations! It’s a definite achievement to be proud of, because it is hard to change our diets! I have a lot of foods where a little really isn’t much of a problem (legumes, corn, nightshades, dairy), but the farther away from AIP I get, the more I start eating those foods regularly again and the more I notice joint pain, upset stomachs, congestion — none of which is a problem in moderation but really starts to be miserable when it’s every day. One day a week of dairy is fine, but dairy every day means I’m basically a little sick every day. And that’s not how I want to live my life. Reintroducing slowly to really try to pinpoint your reactions is a very good idea. For example, my gluten-reaction comes 36 hours after eating gluten. An hour after eating gluten, I’m fine. The morning after eating gluten, I’m fine. The sore throat starts later than that. I would never have realized the connection if I hadn’t been doing the slow reintroduction. I’d just be back to being sick all the time.
