Wow! Looking back at the last year, I’m struck by how much has changed for me. I am so grateful for where I am in life today. A year ago, I had no clue what was in store for me. I make a short gratitude list at least a few times a week. (My 2017 lists have all gone into the same document which is some 26 pages long now.) It’s still nice to sometimes sit down and do a bit of a more thorough inventory of what I’m grateful for. So, without further preamble, here’s what I’m grateful for this year.
Baby B is by far the thing I’m most grateful for this year. Having him come into my life has been so amazing. My love for him is overwhelming. Each day with him is precious. His smile brings me so much joy. He is the snuggliest thing ever, even when he’s flailing his arms and legs around and doesn’t want to snuggle. He has changed my priorities, and my perspective on myself and the world. When I think of all the cool stuff he has to learn and experience ahead of him, I remember how truly awesome the world we live in is. Also, I hear stories of colicky babies and I am so ridiculously thankful that baby B is incredibly good-natured.
I am also grateful for S for being such a great dad and partner. Seeing him with Baby B makes my heart melt.
Moving to Albuquerque. It has been such a nice change of scenery.
Costco. I’ve become such a Costco convert over the last few months. I love the option to buy things in bulk. The majority of the time, I like having only one or two different options for a type of product. There’s no wasting time comparing the differences between four dozen types of toothpaste. And I’m newly addicted to their cheesecake.
A new monitor. Speaking of Costco, I picked-up a new monitor there on sale yesterday. I had my previous monitors for close to 10 years. They served me well, but it felt like time for an upgrade.
Developing a new relationship to stuff. I know that minimalism has become a popular topic over the last few years. I’m sure I have way too much stuff to call myself a minimalist. I have, however, gotten rid of a lot of stuff over the last few years. I don’t miss any of it. It’s become more of a habit to think about what I don’t really need. I constantly have a box for the thrift store going and I donate it when it’s full. When I was considering a new monitor, I decided I’d pass my old ones on to somebody else. They’re still nice enough to be usable and I don’t need to have them cluttering up my house “in case I need them some day”.
So much love from friends and family. We had so many people that have shown their support for us this year. It’s incredible how many people gave us (baby B) sweet cards, emails, baby clothes, hand-made quilts, baby books and a whole lot more! It’s heart-warming knowing how many people love baby B (and maybe his parents too).
My gym. I love my gym here in Albuquerque. It’s a huge facility – a group fitness room, a yoga room, a free weight room, a weight machine room, an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, a basketball court, a spin class studio, two areas with cardio machines, large and (more importantly) clean locker rooms, and a childcare area. There are great classes included in my membership. It’s two minutes from my house. And did I mention the childcare area? I feel so spoiled to go there.
That button in my car that makes the garage door open. My house in Socorro didn’t have an automatic garage door opener. Now, I’m always so darned pleased with that little button that makes the door open for me. I even have a garage door opener that goes with baby B’s stroller!
The library. There is a cute little library just down the street from my house. I’ve actually been going on a regular basis. (Checking out books each time ensures I have to go back to return them.) It’s so much fun to have a reason to pick up kids books these days! We’ve been reading a ton of Dr. Seuss. (Goodnight Moon seems to be Baby B’s favorite book, but we own that one, thanks to R.)
Family. I am looking forward to seeing my family for a few days. I’m also looking forward to eating pie. Yum!
Some other stuff that sticks out from my 2017 list.
- Coffee
- Blueberry pancakes
- Sunshine
- Head cat
- Hiking
- Walks to the park
- Thai food
- Seeing the solar eclipse
- Being able to wear non-maternity clothes again
- Being able to sleep on my back
- A ton of other things that involve not being pregnant anymore
- Rain
- New pillows
- Chirpy birds
- My mom
- Mountains
- Naps
- Red drink
- Reflexology appointments with M
- Bedtime
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you find a little time to reflect on the things that you’re grateful for.
One Response
I am thankful for each kid and grandkid that makes our family “us!” Thanks to you B and S for being part of it!